3 years isnt enough

Sebenarnya judul di atas adalah tulisan dari teman satu kelasku, Diky yang di-posting di facebook. Dia membuat tulisan yang membuatku terharu dan terinspirasi. Inti tulisannya adalah kenangan 3 tahun masa SMA yang sebentar lagi berakhir.

Jujur aja, meskipun kelakuan dia kadang aneh dan tidak normal, tapi menurutku dia punya bakat dan jago membuat tulisan yang bermakna. Buktinya? Lihat saja tulisannya di bawah ini:

excitement and fear fill our hearts
soon a new way of life will starts
three years have almost past
but in our mind the memories last
we've been through it all
yes,we were together at the moment

some people come into our lives and quickly go.some stay for awhile and leave footprints on our hearts.and we are never,ever the same

friendship multiplies the good of life and divides the evil
friendship needs no words
friends are the sunshine of life

i feel like i've known you forever
whose are study restlessly,whose are sleeper,whose are clever,whose are idiot,whose are tough,whose are weak,whose are talented,whose are music freak,whose are talkactive,whose are act silly,whose are quite,whose are maniac,whose are gay,whose are gamers,whose are sporty,whose are religious etcetc.
although i only met you sometime this past year
but our friendship will remain forever
xgeng-senangx will remain forever
no matter what shall cross our paths and hearts

the best thing that's happened to me is finding a forever friend like you
you're there to listen,help,and talk to
and best of all,i know i can confide in you
best friends just can't be replaced
i will never forget those moment we were spent together
you're all complement my life so beautifully

if there was mistake i've made to you
and bad words spoken from my mouth
please forgive me
in my deepest heart i never meant to make you hurt
because you're all my great friends

from our small and dirty classroom
i believe that successful people will be born
billionaire,musician,doctor,entertainer,scientist,hand of justice,lawyer,astronaut,engineer,salesman,president or anything else and then you're all will get married

yes i got relief in it

remember the greatest gift is not found in a store nor under a tree
but in the hearts of true friends
our high school graduation is both an end and a beginning
those who have seen us through our school years will forever remain friends
so as our senior year comes to an end i want to say thanks for being my true LAWAK friends
enjoy your success in the future pals,i will always pray for you


dont walk in front of me I may not follow.
dont walk behind me I may not lead.
just walk beside me and be my friend.--Albert Camus
Dia membuat tulisan ini sekitar jam 3.30 pagi. Waktu sepertiga malam terakhir memang pas untuk menenangkan hati, merefleksikan perjalanan hidup, dan berintrospeksi kekurangan dan kesalahan kita, sehingga kita menjadi lebih baik kelak :) actually, i love your post!

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